
A positioning project that involved a thorough examination of the role of bars and supermarkets in the beer-drinking culture, as well as geomarketing research, and the distillation of the brewery story with more than 200 years of existence into something differentiated and relevant to the modern beer drinkers.



In a market polluted by an overwhelming variety of new premium and craft brands, having real history behind your brewery is something to be celebrated.

But what if most of the symbolism and speech employed to express tradition has become trite and commoditized?

Consumers found themselves forced to chose between the old & boring or the new & glitzy. Novelties were wining and Black Princess found itself stuck.


the exciting boldness we find in history every time we take a closer look at it

Black Princess claimed an unexplored territory, by approaching its imperial origins through more antagonistic lenses:

This was not the beer drank by the chesty royalty, but by those who crept in the shadows of palaces and knew the darkest secrets of the nobility. Their silence, they exchanged for the best and the rarest brews, hidden in the dungeons of the capital city.

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